i aim to misbehave

Why is it that Malcolm Reynolds is still such a fantastic geek icon despite his extraordinarily limited screen time?

I’m not objecting. I’m actually rather happy that the fourteen episodes (and one movie) that are nearly ten years old are still so popular and such a part of the geek lexicon. I’m just surprised that it’s still the case. I recently got my mother interested in watching Firefly, which was kind of an exciting moment for me because usually our television interests are extraordinarily different.  (Not that she’s exactly on time to this particular party.)

Speaking of getting things “Whedoned” up I know I really should have shared this quite some time ago but here’s a link to the Avengers done in the Firefly style.

I don’t have a good new nerd bite this week. I blame this on being behind on comics, television, movies, and even the internet. Hopefully the next time I’m back in here there will be something more to say.