Ticket to Ride Halloween Expansion

It’s so silly but I just had to invest the $12.99 into buying the Ticket to Ride Halloween expansion trains. For a while now I’ve been scooping up expansions and add-ons every time I go in my local nerd game haven. I like my trains. Since this is my first blog entry from a brand new ultrabook as well, I can also add that I had to re-install (or properly, update this new computer) all of the Ticket to Ride software for my online play with Steam. I learned recently that I have the standard American board completely memorized. Every path, width, color, and number of spaces is committed to memory. Most of the routes and their points in the standard game and the chief expansion (1910) are up there also. I even drew out segments in a MS-Paint document just to see if it was possible. Turns out that it is. I’m still desperate for the Android mobile game, though. We’re not all iOS users. Ostensibly the Halloween expansion could also allow you to add a sixth player to the game but I imagine this isn’t the primary purpose of said expansion. And a friend finally bought Smallworld so I don’t have to.