Speculative Fiction

My Netflix recommendations no longer include much of anything except sci-fi and fantasy. My Audible account recommends only sci-fi. I’m starting to think I have a problem. This is a problem I did not have a few years ago. Apparently, though, the reaches of the internet have grasped onto my inner nerd and won’t let her go.

Apparently, though, the internet is also full of people who believe British science fiction begins and ends with Doctor Who.  I like Doctor Who. At least, I like several incarnations of the Doctor and his accompanying series. All the same, geez, it’s insanely difficult to look up any old British sci-fi TV series or book without being bombarded with a hundred references to the Doctor. I swear to you that other people and other things exist in this sub-genre.

This rant, however, is fueled by a question of whether I’m supposed to be using the term “speculative fiction” to refer to all things sci-fi and fantasy and comics and mythology and gaming and all of that. I’ve seen this debate creep up in plenty of dorky circles and it’s one that doesn’t have a simple answer. Is it really just an umbrella term, much as “graphic novel” has become an umbrella term for comics that are more “mature” ? (PG-13, or R, not X) Or is it truly an umbrella term to set apart the weirdos from the regular fiction readers? And if so, who is responsible? The people who read the works or the people who don’t? Does it even matter? Really, it doesn’t. I just hate the term “speculative fiction” a lot. Then again, I’m really frustrated by absurdly detailed labeling of genre. For instance, would you classify Hitchhiker’s Guide as sci-fi, fantasy, comedy, drama, action… or would all of those things fit? Is the correct labeling then to call it an action oriented fantastical dramedy sci-fi story? This is where I run into problems with accepting genre labeling.

Oh screw it. I like robots. Okay?