It’s Saturday Night. Where’s My Two-Liter Bottle of Shasta?*

So, I know this is old news and all but remind me again why the Dresden Files was cancelled. You know, the TV show, not the books.  (Also, if we can continue to ask for eleven years why Firefly was cancelled,  I think I can venture a question about a show that came five years later, right? Right?) Twelve episodes. I know he encounters the same kind of psychotic insane things over and over again, but isn’t that nearly every television show ever? Seriously, how many episodes of Home Improvement were there, with the exact same plot in each one? At least there are different encounters in Dresden Files. Geez.

Speaking of Jim Butcher, though, I started reading Codex Alera. I think, in the NPR 100 quest, that brings me up t0 45 or so, I think. I need to do a recount.

Lastly, I finished the Warehouse 13 webisodes today.  I’m always amused at the tricks used and lengths employed to get characters into non-realistic formats, e.g. the overlay of steampunk (sorta) and the comic book format employed in these. Can’t really say the stories are any better or worse than anything in the actual show, since the show isn’t really known for being all that amazing in its plots. (I still enjoy it, though.)


*The all-Rush mixtape is already safely in my arms.