Jem Is Her Name

How many 1980s cartoons can you actually rewatch? I’ve found it exceedingly difficult to sit through many shows that I found extremely awesome thirty years ago.  I discovered how awful Masters of the Universe actually is a few years back. (And so many, many episodes.) Also, GI Joe. Geez. As such, I’m really surprised to find out that Jem and the Holograms is exceedingly watchable nowadays.

Jem has an ongoing plot, despite the show’s episodic nature. Sure, The Misfits are largely one-dimensional villainous spoiled brats and Jerrica and her friends are ever-good. But it was the 80s. I doubt you could really expect to find much in the way of moral ambiguity in a children’s television show twenty-five years ago. (Unlike today’s television, which I believe requires a per rata of moral ambiguity content in order to be broadcast.) The music videos and songs had to be created for every episode, which required lots of planning and writing, for sure, which I do appreciate.

Sadly, I’ve always preferred most of The Misfits’ songs to the ones by Jem, mainly because they tended to be darker and more punk rock (ish) than poppy, not that I have a problem with poppy, but I have a pretty soft spot for hard music.

Also, given the ubiquity of this show on my television in the late 1980s, I’m surprised that there are only 60 episodes.  I’m 1/3 of the way through this rewatch. It’s only taken four days.