Post-Holiday Dorking Bells

So, post holidays and I really have little to say despite a lot of TV because I’ve also had a lot of work. Thanks, work.

I enjoyed the rewatch of “A Clockwork Nebari” (Farscape).  It’s probably because I actually only saw it for the first time earlier this year but that wonderful hideousness of the eyeballs is killer. Of course, that’s not actually the most effed up part of A Clockwork Orange but it was rather, shall we say, iconic?  Most of the rest of the dorkscape (of RSS feeds and all) has centered on The Hobbit (which I actually haven’t seen, due to scheduling conflicts and a general introvertedness) and Star Trek: Into Darkness, which I also haven’t seen since I’m not a time traveler or pirate.

Thanks to their finally being in stock, I am now the proud owner of the second series of the Futurama Tineez. And thanks to the awesomeness of one of my friends, also, Futurama Monopoly. This gift involved my unpacking every single piece and card and reading through everything. I don’t know whether it’s awesome or sad that there was not a single reference that I missed. I choose… awesome. Yes. Hint: It comes with Professorland Fun Bucks.

And allegedly, Zuko’s mom finally has her day in the Avatar comics.

The Armored Adventures of Angst-Ridden Iron Men

I have no idea why I’ve been watching Iron Man: Armored Adventures. Even for a Marvel cartoon show marketed to kids, it’s really not very good (see the quality of Avatar: The Last Airbender as a point of comparison for excellent children’s programming) what with the bad teenage angst and the obnoxiousness of Pepper Potts.  Mostly, it seems an excuse to have a regular kid’s cartoon show with random appearances of Iron Man and related characters. So totally not worth watching. I’ve finished 19 episodes. What is wrong with me?