
I started watching Sirens because it was recommended to me,  and also because I can watch it on Netflix. I’m ticked at the uselessness of Hulu right now (I discovered that there is some sort of high availability queue for the “no commercials” plan that is clearly screwing over people without this plan in other ways, and also their February 2015 promise to have updates for devices has seen no progress and now it’s February 2016.) It’s possibly the first TV show I’ve ever seen (pretty sure, as a matter of fact) where asexuality is discussed and distinctly referred to as being separate from celibacy and “not getting any.” How far we’ve come. Somehow, despite its hideous depressive effects, I missed Rescue Me, so I’m glad to see something with Denis Leary’s name in it.

I haven’t picked up a video game in weeks; this pressure is starting to get to me.